A must in Paris, proper bistro cuisineRaquel's and Pinuche’s house in Belleville, a must-do when you’re in Paris as they serve proper bistro cuisine. Chef Raquel is like a mother to chefs somehow. She has a few signature dishes, try the cervelle and ris de veau which are always on the menu. The food is served with beautiful natural wines, ask for recommendations! The wines are incredible. It's really pretty and really French, both the atmosphere and the cuisine. Some people would say the service is very Parisian but you could also say the service is 100% no bullshit. It’s what you expect from a French restaurant, right? Nobody's gonna come every two minutes to ask you if you're enjoying your dish, because of course you are. They don't sugarcoat anything in this restaurant. Definitely one of my favorites, I really love this place.
Proper bistro cuisine by Chef Raquel. Try the cervelle and ris de veau
Looking for the best bistros in Paris? This is your ultimate insider's guide.
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