This tiny hole-in-a-wall serves some of the most delicious “bifanas” in the city.There are many restaurants that have bigger walk-in refrigerators than As Bifanas do Afonso’s spot in downtown Lisbon. This tiny hole-in-a-wall serves some of the most delicious “bifanas” in the city. For those that might not be familiar with it, a “bifana” is a pork steak sandwich where the meat is thinly sliced and submerged in a special secret sauce (each house has their own mix) filled with garlic, paprika, white wine and bay leaves. This indulgent slab of meat is then wrapped in a light and crispy roll - and don’t forget to add some cheap mustard and chili oil. It’s the perfect hangover food and Afonso really knows how making them. If you want a more substantial meal, besides just the “bifana”, ask for a homemade soup (they change basically everyday) or samosa.
The best bifana pork sandwiches in the city from a hole-in-the-wall